Thursday, July 17, 2014

Removing Disability Stigmas Through Fashion

A purple cane and a petition are fueling Liz Jackson’s mission to make those with disabilities feel more comfortable. She’s started a petition to get retail giant J.Crew to sell stylish canes through its partner line In Good Company to help remove the stigma that surrounds assistive devices. 

Liz was diagnosed with CIPD two years ago. It is a neurological disorder characterized by progressive weakness and impaired sensory function in the legs and arms, which is why she requires a cane to walk. She documents her progress through her blog, The Girl with the Purple Cane.

Liz began this campaign because she realized that some assistive devices are more mainstream than others. Glasses are assistive devices and they have become a fashion commodity. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors to match any outfit. Liz hopes the same thing happens with canes too, something that was once a fashionable accessory. By fusing assistive devices with fashion, those who require these products can feel more comfortable and confident. 

So why J.Crew? Liz feels that it is a major label that can impact a huge group of people. She believes seeing a model holding a cane as a teenager would have boosted her confidence immensely. Also, the company’s president and creative director, Jenna Lyons, uses a prosthetic. She was born with incontinentia pigmenti, a genetic disorder that can cause skin scarring, loss of hair and malformed teeth; she and wears dentures as a result. With such a personal connection to assistive devices from the company’s top dog, J. Crew seems like the perfect outlet for this idea. 

Many of our clients require help from assistive devices like these because of a debilitating disability or work injury. Like Liz, we respect any effort to improve the lives of disabled individuals—both long and short term—and work with them to regain their spirit while promoting their interests. To learn more about Liz’s campaign and to sign her petition, click here

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